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To execute the formal challenge used in one-step sparring, line up facing your opponent. On the command the opponent steps back with either the right or left leg, assuming a front stance, and executes a right or left low block. The opponent then steps forward into a right or left front stance and executes a straight punch.

Example Self-Defense Combinations (Intermediate Level)

One Step Sparring Defense vs a Punch
1. Skip to the left side and parry the attackers punch. Execute a rising front roundhouse kick followed by a low - high reverse punch combination. Kiai
2. Skip to the left side and parry. Execute a rising front roundhouse kick. Step forward into a left side stance and grab the attacker's arm. Right knee lift and step back into a side stance and reverse punch. Kiai
3. Front snap kick and step into a front stance, and double open hand inside middle blocks. Double knife-hand strikes to collarbones, grab and pull opponent downward into a knee lift, step back and low - high reverse punch combination. Kiai
4. Step into a left front stance and upper block. Ridge hand strike to the groin, palm heel strike to the face, and then a straight punch to the stomach. Grab and knee lift. Kiai
5. Step toward the attacker into a side stance and right outside middle block the punching arm. Right elbow strike, backhand - reverse punch combination. Skip back, side kick. Kiai
6. Step toward the attacker into a side stance and right outside middle block the punching arm. Right elbow strike, backhand - reverse punch combination. Front roundhouse kick to the side of the head or front snap kick to the groin. Kiai
7. Step forward into a left front stance and upper block. Grab the punching arm and twist as you step forward into a side. Execute an upward ridge hand strike to the back side of the opponent's elbow followed by a low elbow strike-backhand-reverse punch combination. Kiai
8. Step into left front stance and left upper block, grab the punching arm and twist as you step forward into a side stance. Execute a right outside middle strike to the punching arm followed by a high elbow strike to the head. Then execute a backhand - low/high reverse punch combination. Kiai
9. Execute a left front snap kick and skip to the left side executing a right side kick to the attacker's side. Step toward the opponent into a side stance and backhand - low/high reverse punch. Kiai
10. Execute a double hand parry and skip to the left side. Execute a side kick and step down behind the attacker's leg. Grab the opponent with both hands and execute a hip to hip takedown followed by a reverse punch. Kiai
11. Execute a left front snap kick and step behind the right foot. Right side kick stepping forward into a side stance and right outside middle block. Execute a backhand - low/high reverse punch combination. Kiai
12. Execute a right crescent kick to the attacker's arm followed by a right side kick. Step forward into a side stance and backhand - reverse punch. Kiai
13. Step forward into a left front stance and left upper block. Twist the arm outward and step forward brining the attacker's arm downward over the right shoulder. Execute a right - left rearward elbow strike combination. Kiai
14. Step toward the attacker into a side stance and right outside middle block. Execute a right knife hand strike to the neck and simultaneously step to the right and grab behind the opponent's neck with the right hand. Execute a left side elbow strike to the face and grab with both hands, the knee lift. Kiai
15. Step diagonally to the left and execute a left outside middle block to the attacker's arm. Execute a right ridge hand strike to the mid section and grab the arm and knee lift. Step back into a side stance and low/high reverse punch. Kiai
16. Step back into a left side stance as the attacker steps back and low blocks. Execute a spin thrust kick and step down forward into a right side stance. Execute a right outside middle block followed by a backhand - low/high reverse punch combination. Kiai
17. Step forward into a left front stance and execute a left inside middle block. Execute a right ridge hand strike to the groin and a left palm heel strike to the face. Grab with both hands and knee lift. Kiai
18. Execute a right side kick as the opponent steps forward. Step forward into a right side stance and outside middle block the attacker's arm. Execute a knife hand strike to the opponent's neck followed by a low/high reverse punch. Execute a high front roundhouse kick to the side of the opponent's head. Kiai

Example Self Defense Combinations

Windows Media: Self Defense - Rod Windows Media: Self Defense - Buster


Send mail to rodney.mcpherson@gmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 03/27/20